Saturday, October 23, 2010

The magic of belief and “learning to fly like butterflies”….

I  received a Newsletter from Erica Ehm’s Yummy Mummy Club the other night.   Being an 80’s inspired child,   I had become a fan of Erica Ehm’s newest venture of the Yummy Mummy Club after a friend inspired me to join.   I have been a member now for over a year,  have gone on Girls Nights Out to TO and have followed some truly inspiring blogs.   The most recent newsletter which inspired me reflected on the Dove Self Esteem Challenge .  Here’s the link.       I responded and Signed my two daughters 9,  & 6 and I   headlong for the Dove…mentor challenge to spend the weekend with my girls.  
It started out with the girls and I going shopping for a baby shower gift together.   They had fun helping out pick out the gift,  they contributed with a creative flair by creating a “prayer book” for the mother to be.   Then we were off to Guelph for a day of fun meeting new people,  enjoying a chocolate fondue,  celebrating the upcoming birth of a new family member.   It was a Pretty decadent way to spend a Saturday afternoon.  The chocolate covered strawberries were enjoyed by one dtr,  and the carmel dip w apples enjoyed by the other.   The youngest donned a new tiara,  and enjoyed being welcomed into the ranks of the Tiara Army.   ON the way to the shower we passed a sign to the Wings of Paradise Butterfly Conservatory,  and got a spontaneous urge to add this adventure to our trip.   Jasmine, my older girl loves bugs and butterflys.  She spends hours trying to catch bugs in our front or back yard,  and truly has a heart for nature  She jumped at the spontaneous adventure…to explore nature indoors together.    So we spent the last remaining time this afternoon together enjoying nature.  This was an awesome inspired tradeoff for a “movie together”.    It was such a nice way to enjoy each others company.   We learned about the life cycle of a butterfly.   We learned about the short life span of a butterfly.  We also had the opportunity to learn the different species of butterflies,  and trying to label each one we were able to identify.    The knowledge is not the only thing we gained today.  As my youngest girl put it quite simply.   She learned to “fly like a butterfly”.   Both girls were infused with compassion for nature.    Jasmine went into “rescue” mode when she found a dying butterfly and was on a mission.  She went to the “rangers”  and sought advice on how to “save” the butterfly,  only to discover that butterflys only live a short 2-3 weeks,  and this was just part of the cycle of life.   My youngest dtr followed suit and wanted to find “rangers” to advise them when she found partial butterfly wings on the ground.   We watched on mesmerized as the butterflys danced around us.  Some came very close to liting on us.  The peaceful song of the finches ,  and the cascading of the waterfall softly sang us into a relaxed state.  We had a wonderful day where I had opportunity to encourage the girls in their strengths.  My eldest is really starting to embrace the idea of going to a specialized school with an enriched Arts program.  We’ve applied for her to attend Lester B Pearson School for the Arts,  and are in the process of applying for St. Mary’s Choir school.  Both girls are very creative,  and ofcourse my heart of an Art Therapist,  I want to encourage this with all my heart.  I feel its such a healthy way for them to express themselves and am very proud of both of my girls.   Both girls strongest subjects are the arts,  however this year my eldest has blossomed and is really trying to pull up her academics.    Each girl is so very different.   Jasmine had written a beautiful prayer book for the mother to be which she shared.  The other was filled with wonder and playful all day.  Oh to be that age again!. 
We went out afterwards and had a funfilled game of Halloween hangman while we awaited our supper to arrive.   The girls amazingly got along today,  and shared with one another which is very infrequent and far between.  They so often seem to be fighting and vying for my attention.  I know part of this is because I am so divided between all 4 childrens demands,  including the demands of my other 2 children that have special needs.   I know I need to do a better job of ensuring I have time with just them,  to encourage these strengths to flourish and our relationships to grow.   Tommorrow we are off to “create” our Halloween costumes @ our local Value Village and Talize stores and will be decorating the front of our “Haunted House”.   Justine  wants to be a Sugar Plum Fairy,  and Jasmine wants to be a Wizard.  Maybe I’ll be a Genie again this year in keeping with the magic theme….or a could be a Good Witch.   Oops I forgot about my Runaway Bride Costume.   We have a real magical theme happening here.   I hope I am able to encourage their creativity to continue to grow along with the magic of their belief in themselves.

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