Friday, October 1, 2010

Art therapy mind…New infusion of inspiration!

So I was listening to the TV…like I so often do…as I rarely watch it anymore…and it was on CBC.   
My ears started to perk up a bit ….as I was hearing some interesting research about  a new treatment being researched for schizophrenia…something about the neuroplasticity of the mind and a special computer program that had been developed for this research specifically utilizing a series of exercises to stimulate the mind.   Though early in research methodology…the implications sound promising.   I also think it would be fascinating to follow this study for a while and follow the efficacy of this treatment for schizophrenia,  but then extend the treatment  and assess it’s effectiveness in treating  individuals with higher functioning Autism.   Some of the areas where individuals with schizophrenia were finding improvements   such as social skills,  reconnecting with their world and ability and skills in attention could benefit individuals on the autism spectrum.  The exercises in the study with individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia were designed to restore and enhance early perceptual and working memory processes, with the fundamental goal of “forcibly” increasing the accuracy, the temporally detailed resolution, and the power of sensory input.   Targeted areas were global cognition, speed of processing, verbal learning and memory, and cognitive control .  When considering developing a simular tool for individuals with Autism,  one would have to be very specific about the targets and tweek the targets according to the areas of cognition impacted in Autism.   Though no two people with the diagnosis of Autism are alike,  more is being learned regarding the Autistic mind and the way connections are made within the Autistic mind.   Furthermore,  the skills that are included in these research tests  seem to be structured utilizing Cognitive Behaviour Therapy .   Behaviour Therapy has been proven to be effective with individuals on the Autism Spectrum,  and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy likewise for individuals on the higher end of the autism spectrum.  
   Here is a link to some recent outcomes of the research study
And ofcourse my creative mind won’t leave this one alone either…it rarely does.   So what if I were to propose to develop an art therapy tool,  obviously that would be a computerized art therapy tool that integrated these exercises together.  The goals of the exercises would be adjusted according to what areas of cognition are impacted in Autism,  but the tool would be dynamic in graphic design to maintain the interest of more youthful participants in this treatment.      Since I don’t have a background in graphic design nor computer programming,  I would have to develop a partnership with old friends and colleagues from .  A mental health website for youth that I worked for over 2 years ago. 
CBT lends itself well to Art Therapy.   I used to challenge this idea…until I trialed it working in an Art Therapy Group I developed for a Community Health Centre.   It’s a great marriage in fact.   Art therapy helps to make concrete the thoughts  that can be transformed into action.   You not only visualize in your minds eye the goals that have been established…but you can make them “real” and materialize before your very eyes. 
So here’s to hoping that the Art Therapy program @ UWO comes back as a Masters so I can maybe do some of this research as part of finishing the program.   If it doesn’t come back I may be  will have to rethink my Master’s plan.   I definitely don’t want to just do a generalist Master’s such as Social Work. 
I could do a Master’s of Education and Counselling,  or Master’s in Psychology.   The math component terrifys me but remember I am trying to “Do one thing every day that SCARES me”---Elenor Roosevelt.
So even if this does not come back in the next 5 years to London…my plan starts now.   I will be contacting my Human Resources department in January to request that they initiate the education savings plan where they withhold 20% of my income for the next 4 years so that I can take the 5th year off of work full time .   This would allow me the time I needed to be able to commute to either  Montreal- Concordia University(heaven forbid) or Wayne State University to take the Masters in Art Therapy there.  Ofcourse there is BC,  or a distance Education program in Alberta @ St. Stephan’s .     Then I would have to try to apply for scholarships.     My 4 year old would be 8 years old at that time,  my 6 year old,  10; my 9 year old 13 and 11 year old 15.   Better ages for me to be going back to school.  
I will one day be able to call myself an Art Therapist.  This has been such a long road.   I have known this goal since college,  over 20 years ago now.   Though I am a very creative counselor,  and Social Worker,  I fear I am not utilizing this part of my skill set in my current role.   My clinical skills in assessment are getting fine tuned  and tweeked definitely…but I definitely need more. 

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