Well, believe it or not...in this crazed week of graduations, dance recitals birthdays and sporting events... I am still finding the time to try to be good to me. I have spent a few wonderful lunchhours at my favourite spot, the Mill Pond, and I took my 6 year out for frozen yogurt at YoYos cafe. I've been thinking about how I have committed to myself, to not go into anything lightly... and to give of myself 100% for any potential relationship... to love.. to give freely, to be open even if it means I am more vulnerable to being hurt. None of this means I am selfless... but there is a fineline.. and I believe I may have lost myself a little in my last relationship beginning because I lost sight of that. This only proves to me I have more work to do, to show myself kindness, and love, and maybe to be more nurturing to myself. Friends have suggested that I put too much of myself into it... and shouldn't.. I am a very passionate person, and I can't imagine being any other way, but realize this may scare the ""hell" out of some. I would like to believe it wont for the right person for me.
Any relationship I may embark upon, I believe I need to be strong going into it... so that whoever I am with... who hopefully be as equally strong.. so we can nurture and hold each other up .
In the past, I believe I was very giving in relationships, but it came from a place of deep need, and weakness... and this only fosters a codependent unhealthy relationship, not an interdependent loving one.
I've lived many years in a codependent relationship racked with guilt, some of it self imposed, and I made a devotion to myself that I would no longer do that to myself as it only fosters self hatred and resentment.
I really so thought I cared for my new friend, but found I could not bear the guilt the potential of our relationship would cost me. Because I care so much, this decision is still very painful for me, especially because I have not received any feedback from them as to how they are feeling. I've left the ball in their court to contact me, but it isn't happening. I felt they had made a similar decision maybe for different reasons, but this is all speculation,,,.. and I would so love to continue our friendship and talk about this.
As a result of all of this, I have decided to just stay away from dating... well dating websites for a while, as I for some reason deep down still yearn to be with my friend. and need time to heal my heart.. because no relationship stands a chance until that work is done.... lol. I can't explain it. I really still want to be close to them and to be their friend, even though I know there can likely be nothing else, ... ( without devestating consequences for my own or that persons emotional well being/ health) So did this relationship in anyway shape or form lead one another back to ourselves.. well.. I think there were some inherent problems / issues that sort of got in the way of that possibility. One of them being fear... we know my thoughts on how damaging fear can be from previous blogs.. lets just not go there today...
So why is this so damn hard.
1. My belief in friendship.. I think men look at relationships quite differently, but I do feel that if someone really diggs me enough they should want to spend time with me, getting to know me, for who I am better.. regardless of whether it can lead to deeper intimacy in the long run.
Another quote to meditate on " A single rose can be my garden.. a single friend my world. " - Leo Bruscaglia.
2. That there seems to be unfinished business ... lose ends unresolved issues questions unanswered... maybe just for me... I'm not sure..
So why is it that well meaning friends sometimes believe that the solution to a broken heart is another man?
I grew up believing that, and think that is why I stayed in a unhealthy relationship for so long. My mother left one unhealthy relationship, for another, much healthier one...but it was still racked with issues, and she has never really been on her own...
Maybe I feel I need to prove something, I have only been separated for a year... maybe I need more time to build my own strength and belief in myself.
I had a tempting offer this week to go out on the town with a friend, and a chap that apparently finds me attractive. I thought he too was cute, but decided, I just can't go there right now. I definately was flattered, but I had two offers this week, and decided to go for the one that will nurture my soul. My old friend from Sarnia was going to have a girls night in pamper night. Unfortunately changed it to a girls night out, but I think I will go there anyhow. Afterall, I'd already done backflips lol to switch nites with my x so I could have this Friday for me regardless. After a week like this, I really need it. : )
Don't get me wrong, just because I am being kind to me and my heart, to give it the nurturance it needs does not mean I am cutting myself off from love, to the contrary... I still plan to live a passion filled life, there is a hell of alot more to leading a passionate life than sex, however.. I'll be sure not to leave that stone unturned lol... and will be ready for love when it comes and bites me on the ass.. lol.
As Leo puts it afterall .... " a life without passion is not living, its merely existing. "
A life without passion is not living, its merely existing. - Leo Bruscaglia